Ultimate Spinach paratha recipe for home

Spinach Paratha Recipe

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Namaskar! Welcome to my site, Informative mind. Today here, we will lean to make the ultimate spinach paratha recipe for home. Spinach parathas can be prepared in two ways. Either take finely chopped spinach leaves and mix it in wheat flour, prepare a dough and make parathas of it. Or prepare a spinach stuffing separately, fill it in dough balls and make stuffed spinach parathas.

Spinach paratha, Recipe
Spinach paratha

Both taste equally delicious. Today we are going to mix spinach in wheat flour, make a dough and prepare the paranthas. These parathas are very scrumptious. So, let's start making parathas. To make spinach parathas, we will knead a dough first. Take 2 cup (300 grams) of wheat flour. Now we will mix spinach in it. 

Take 200 grams of spinach, remove the stalk and wash the leaves 2-3 times. Place them on a colander, let the water drain completely. When leaves are completely dry then chop them finely. So, this is finely chopped spinach. Mix spinach into the flour. Now add 1/4 tsp cumin seeds and 1/2 tsp ginger paste. Then add 1 finely chopped green chilly and 1/2 tsp of salt or taste.

Add 2 tsp of oil. Mix everything really well. Add water in small portions and knead a firm dough. Keep the dough little firm than required for making chapati. We have added ginger and green chilly into the flour, we are making little spicy parathas. If you don't want to make it spicy, especially if you are making it for kids and they don't like spicy food.

Then skip ginger and chilly, that means add salt and cumin seeds only. It will taste equally delicious. It will taste equally delicious. For this we have used little less than 1 cup of water. Around 2-3 tbsp of water is left. Cover the dough and let it rest for 20 minutes. After that we will make parathas. 20 minute is over. Dough is also ready. Now we will make parathas.

Spinach paratha, Recipe
Spinach paratha

Grease your hand with some oil and knead the dough again to make it smooth. Dough is now ready. Now let's make parathas. Heat a tawa to make parathas. Pinch a lump from the dough. Make parathas little big or small as desired. Roll the dough ball into peda. Dust it with some flour and roll it into 3-4 inch diameter. Now pour and spread some oil on it. 

Pick from the edges and close it completely. Flatten the dough with the help of fingers. You can shape the paranthas in round, triangular or square. Make it as desired. Here we are making round paratha, so we layered it. Now again dust it with some flour and roll it into 5-6 inch diameter paratha. Don't roll it too thin.

Keep it a little thick. Now the parantha is rolled. Pour some oil on hot tawa and spread it evenly, to grease the tawa. Place the parantha on tawa and let it roast from bottom. Meanwhile, similarly roll another paratha. Paratha is cooked from the bottom as it is little dark on the top. Flip its side and let it cook until brown spots appear. Now, paratha is cooked from the other side as well.

You can see it like this or else it will take 1 minute to cook. Apply some oil on top and spread it evenly on the parantha. Flip the side and spread some oil on the other side as well. Keep the flame medium and press it gently with the ladle, like this and cook it till brown spots appear on both the sides. Paratha is now cooked completely.

Transfer it on the bowl placed over a plate or directly serve it into the plate. When parathas are served directly from the tawa, it tastes even better. Likewise, prepare the remaining paranthas. Now we will roll this paratha in triangular shape. Dust some flour on it and roll it into 5-6 inch diameter paratha. Pour some oil on it and spread it evenly. Fold the parantha into half, like this. Now apply some oil on it and again fold it into half, as shown. Flatten it with the fingers. 

Triangular dough ball is now ready. Dust it with some flour. Now roll the parantha a little thick in a triangular shape. Paratha is now rolled and roasted similarly as done before. If you want to make square shaped paratha, then similarly make the peda. Dust some flour on it and roll it into 5-6 inch diameter paratha. Paratha is now rolled.

Pour and spread some oil on it. To give it a square shape, fold it like this and again fold it from the opposite side. Again apply some oil on it and fold it from top and bottom. Square shaped dough ball is now ready. Dust it with some flour and roll it into a little thick paratha. Maintain the square shape of the parantha while rolling it. Well, round paratha is easy to roll but it is also not too tough.

Keep practicing and you will learn to roll it. Paratha is now rolled and roasted similarly as done before. Now the parathas are ready. Here we have prepared 8 paranthas with this much flour. Spinach parathas are ready to serve. We placed the paranthas in a bowl because if you place them hot directly on the plate then they will become soggy. 

Placing it on the bowl keeps it nice and crispy. Now the parathas are cooled down, place it on the plate. Here we have made round, triangular and square shaped paranthas. Round parathas are easy to roll but carefully roll the triangular and square shape. Triangular and square paranthas have more layers so they taste even more delicious. 

By the way, all the parathas are delectable. So, make them as desired. If you follow the suggestions then they will become amazingly tasty. When you knead the dough, let it rest for 20-25 minutes to set then it will be rolled easily. Take extra care while roasting them, keep the flame under control.

Put the flame low if the tawa is too much hot, roast it until crispy and increase the flame if the tawa cools down. This way paranthas will become more scrumptious. Serve this spinach parathas with chutney, curd, raita, pickle or with any sabzi you like. 

So, definitely try these spinach paratha recipe at home, and relish eating. Share your experience on informative mind. Hope you've loved this ultimate spinach paratha recipe for home. See you soon with another delightful recipe. Do comment below in the comment box. See you again.


Ram patil

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