Vijayanagara Rule

Goa Under Vijayanagara


1. Capturing The Kingdom

Haraihara-1 mahamandaleshwara- Marapa extended his province towards the west and acquired te kingdom in the west by 1347. His capital was "Gomanta Saila", the excellent Chandragutti. Marappa's jurisdiction also extended to Haive and Banavasi. The records tells us that, Marappa had set out on an expedition. As he was procceeding on certain occassion, he encountered the Kadamba king surrounded by an army of elephants, horsemen and foot soldiers. Marappa defeated him in a battle and took over his territorry. Another person, Vir-viruppa or Virupana was ruling over Chandragutti in 1367. He was son of Gupta-1, Harihara-1. Male rajya and Phalsige-2000 which earlier belonged to Kadamabas , were new included in Vijayanagara empire. Part of Karnataka including South-Belgaum acknowledged the rule of Kadamba kings. The Konkan was conquered and referred to as a part of Vijayanagara empire from 1380 onwards.

Goa under Vijayanagara, History of Goa
Vijayanagara empire

During the conquest of Canara, Madhav mantri seems to have again defeated the Kadamba king-Kamadeva, ruling from Chandrapur, who styled himself "Konkan Haive Rajyadisha", who was probably the descendent of the Kadamba king and brother-in-law of Shashtadeva-3. After the annexation of his teritorry to the Vijayanagara, Madhav mantri seems to have made Goapuri(Goa) the capital of Aragutti province and appointed officials to carry out adminisration. The inscriptions refers to the official as "Goapuradisha". Madhav mantri, the minister incharge of Goa was a great scholar, statesman and general who dominated the stage of Vijayanagara history of South-konkan for about half century. The agrahara in Sawantwadi and brahmapuri in of 12 rigvedic brahmins at Govalimauli in Tiswadi taluka are memorials of his Konkan rule.

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Also Read: Visionary Rulers

Also Read: Kadamba Administration

Madhav mantri was followed by Narhari as the Vijayanagara viceroy of Goa, in 1390 and held office till 1395. Balchanna Vodeyar succeeded him and he is described as extending the kingdom of Goapuri in all sides. He captured the Bahamani fortress, 'Ranjini'. This fight is referred to in a virgal . Balchanna continued in vice royalty till 1406. His successors were assisted in local administration by 'Maishanvai'. The domination of Vijayanagara over Konkan continued upto 1472. In about the year 1415, Trimbakdeva seems to have appointed the local admnistrator of Goa. A stone inscription of king-Devaraya-2 of Vijayanagara , 1425 records grants of two villages shows that, Vijayanagara rulers took interest in religious and social development of their subjects. The Portuguese chronicles relate the 40yrs. its conquest by the Bahamani sultan in 1472, Goa had already freed itself from Vijayanagara domination. The muslim history tellers stated that , Goa was part of Bahamani till 1472.

We do not notice the names of Vijayanagara viceroy of Goa after 1445 and it is possible that, during this period, that Goa was brought under the jurisdiction of Bankapur. Sabajy chally, uncle of Karoji and Appaji, chiefs of Bankapur was probably ruling over Goa, when it was taken by Mohammad Gawan, the greatest commander of Bahamani in 1472.

2. Expanding the Kingdom

The portuguese chronicle-'Barros' tells us that, the old city of Gopakapattan, once the capital of an extensive empire was transferred to its new site at ancient 'Ela' village. i.e tge modern old Goa. As the river Zuari became shallow the capital was transferred to old Goa, as Mandovi was deeper and broader. The inhabitance of the old cities who were very rich and engaged in commerce, gradually shifted to the new place. A new city was developed where, in short time rose temples and buildings in every direction remarkable for their architectural beauty. New docs were built for construction of large ships to maintain commercial interpost in all parts of India.

Bahamani sultanate, History of goa
Bahamani sultanate

The city rapidly rose in importance, chiefly due to its horse trade. Horses imported from Hormuz(Persia) had great demand in Vijayanagara and neighbouring states. The defence of tge city was well-secured by its geographical position. The rugged hills surrounding it, required limited forces from the main land, as it was inaccessible, except through the narrow passes between the mountain ranges which were defended by the construction of watch towers at its entrance. The city, being the chief emporium of the trade on the west side of India, caravans of merchants constantly poured into it for extensive commercial transactions with the natives and foreigners alike. Such, indeed was the prosperity of the city of Goa, that it is said to have been the only city on the western post which enjoyed at this period a large annual income.

During 15th cent., the Bahamani kings made several attempts to conquer south-Konkan. The first attempt was made in 1429, and the Konkan chiefs were made to agree to the Bahamani supremacy. However, after a few years, they stopped paying tribute. The second expedition was in 1436 and brought the Konkan chiefs to order. But, the country was unsubdued. In 1453, another effort was made to conquer the whole country, but it ended in disaster and massacare. For sixteen years till 1469, the Bahamani sultans did not return to Konkan. But, the rajas of Khelna and Sangameshwar used to intercept the muslims trading vessels plying in the Arabian sea, sending hundreds of boats out every year to fight with these ships. The raja of Sangameshwar had a fleet of 300 vessels to plunder the Mecca pilgrims. These raids lead to the decline of maritime commerce of the country as the merchants were afraid to take out their goods via sea. Although, these kings flourished, the country in general impoverished.

This alarmed the Bahamani rulers and an expidition against Konkan and Goa was setup in 1469 under the leadership of Mohammad Gawan for the defeat of the rebellious Konkan chiefs, the expidition lasted or 3yrs. The fort of Raingana was surrendered only after paying of indemnity(compensation) of 12lakhs. The largest fort of Manchet was conquered in 1471, followed by Khelna and the varous others. Gawan rested during he rainy season at Kolhapur. Sangameshwar was attacked soon after the monsoon and captured in 1472. Then he marched against Goa, after complete submission of the forts in the surrounding area. Mohammad Gawan had 120 boats, and his land forces consisted of the 'tigers of Arabia' and 'lions of Persia' Hardly any efforts were made for defending the city of Goa when Bahamani army marched against it. Goa, was thus annexed to the Bahamani kingdom in 1472.

About 1490, Bahadur glani, the governor incharge of Konkan and Goa broke into an open rebellion. He ceased Belgaum and Goa and established his headquarters at Sankeshwar, about 30 miles north of Belgaum. He also acquired the possession of Miraz and Jamkhandi.


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Ram patil

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