Portuguese Impact: Society, Food & Dress

Portuguese impact: Society, Food & Dress

Impact On Society

Ponda, Quepem and Cancona were ceaded to Portguese by rulers of Saunda as a price of protection in 1763. In 1781, the Portugueseconquered- Bichoim, Sattari from Sawants of Wadi and in 1788, Verne was secured from them. Thus, by 1788 the conquest of Goa was complete. The impact of Portuguese was very strong on the old conquest, primarily because it remained under Portuguese for long period of time. 

portuguese food, Portuguese India
Portuguese Cuisine

It was in these areas the missionaries worked with great  zeal to convert local people to christianity. It was here that, the inquisition was active from 1560-1812. However, by the time new conquest came under the control of Portuguese , the missionary activities had declined and the people of new conquest were spared from conversion. Moreover, a proclamation issued by Portuguese government guaranteed to the people of new conquest the right to follow their own religious rites and customs.

Impact On Food Of Goans

One of the lasting Portuguese influence was on Goan cuisine. After converting the Hindus to christianity, the Portuguese introduced beef and pork as a part of their diet. The Portuguese not only introduced their own food Habits, but also brought in food habits of the world, from wherever their colonies were. Hence, dietary habits of the christians changed after conversion. Besides, the Portuguese forced on the christians, certain practices by which they wanted them to be different from the Hindus. Eg: they forced christians to put salt in the rice which is not a practice in the Hindus. They also introduced Vinegar. The following are the special dishes introduced in the Goan cuisine by the Portuguese.:- 
2. Para
5. Arroz
8. Dodol
9. Doce
10. Bolhinas
11. Perrada
12. Mangada
13. Bolo

The Portuguese introduced bread or 'Pao' in the Goan food, soup or Caldo was also introduced. The Portuguese also introduced  the Portuguese method of cooking fish or meat- Assado(roasted), Rechado(stuffed), Bafado(steamed), Yinho delho(vindalo), and cooking with wine. The Portuguese introduced the western art of distillation when they settled in Goa. 

Apart from this food habits, they also introduced fruits and vegetables in Goa like, Cashewnuts, chillies, Chickoo, Guava, Pineaple, Papaya, Potatoes and Pumpkin. Of all the greatest contributions of Portuguese to Goan cuisine is chillies. During the pre-Portuguese period, pepper or Miri were used for for pungancy. 'Miri mirchi' or (piripiri). 

However, the Portuguese could not change the food habits of Goan christians. They still continued the cooking of pre-Portuguese dishes, like- Sanna, Nevri, Patoli and Amabottik. Moat importantly, the main item on the Goan menu- fish-curry, rice remained the same. Apparently, the Portuguese culinary art did not influence the Hindu cuisine at all. It also did not show much influence on the Guda christians and the Kunbis of Goa, who continued to show their pre-Portuguese culinary art. 

Impact On Goan Dress

Even after the conversion of the goans to christianity, they continued to follow the Hindu dress code of the pre-Portuguese period. The Portuguese on the other hand felt to be civilised and to be good christian, it was compulsory to respect the western manners and dress. Consequently, inquisition passed order in 1736, specifying a special dress-code for neo-christians of Goa. By the above mentioned decree, the native male were not allowed to wear 'dhotar' at home and at public. The women were not allowed to wear sarees, instead, western attire was imposed on them. The men were to wear shirts and pants and on special occasions like, marriages, during performing of sacraments or feasts and festivals or attending church-men had to wear suit, tie and hat. Native christian ladies were to wear a skirt and a blouse called 'polk'. Aristocratic women were 'vestido'- a one piece dress.

Portuguese India dress, Portuguese India
Portuguese India dress

After the introduction of christianity, christian 'sacraments' were introduced for all. Sacraments like-'Baptism', first holy communion, marriage, a girl is dressed in full white dress and a male christian is dressed in a suit. Apart from the white gown worn by the christian bride, she also wears 'Sado' which is a red bridal saree and 'chudo' (Green bangles), thee two practices were continuation of pre-conversion practices of Goan christian. After the death of a christian sprinter(unmarried girl) she's worn a bridal dress. The dress code introduced by the Portuguese, however did not influence the Hindu of Goa. Hindu men continued to wear 'Pudve' and women sarees. It also did not influence the dress code of Gaudas and Kunbis. Some Gauda women still wear the pre-Portuguese 'dentli' type sarees. 
This were some of the impact that Portuguese had on the Goan society with regards to the food and the dressing style.  

Ram patil

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