Kadamba Administration

Kadamba Administration


1. Political Administration

There are few records of the period which throws light on the Kadamaba system of administration. Kadambas were the feudatories of the Kalyani chalukyas and then the yadavas of Devgiri, and used the title of "Mahamandaleshwara" in their inscription. Though they were feudatories, they always enjoye complete freedom in their internal administration. The records reveal that, both, in early and medival times, the king was surrounded by fabulous wealth.

Kadamba administration, History of goa

The king occupied the first place in the kingdom. He exercised supreme authority, not only in the political sphere,but also in religious methods. True as it, that, the religious preceptor play The kings never allowed themselves to be moved by any sect and kept religious movement under their control. Though, the royalty was invested in unlimited authority in theory point of fact, the free and indiscriminate exercise of kings power was limited to certain extent. The inscription, while enumerating the attributes of a ruler, indirectly implied at an unrestrained king, who sought only his selfish ends was criticized by the public opinion.

The king had to submit to the same moral law, like any ordinary citizen. Thus, a good king had certain moral law like, learning, sportivness, prudence, etc. A friend of all living things, spurning riches of others, making gifts to the priests and learned, honoring them and keeping their company.

The tendency of the king to rule despotically was also checked by the custom, which makes it laudable for the king to receive advice from his ministers and elders. The difficult and complicated tasks and duties attached to the king, demand constant deliberations with ministers and the Kadamba kings in general greatly valued their opinion. Consequently, the influence of this ministers exerted on the monarchs, must have been indeed great. Hence, it is natural that, the Kadamba king had to exercise utmost caution in selecting their ministers as, on them depended to a large extent the wheel or the woe of the country. Thus, the supreme power of the Mahamandaleshwara was restricted by only his council of ministers or pradhanas. The mantrimandal of Shashtadeva-2 was composed of, Chadama-the mukhya svikarna, Shashtadeva-2-the president, Govind pratihastika i.e. the king's deputy, three mantris- Shriyamani, Damapai and Madhav mantra.

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●Ministers Role

The ministers were expected to combine adminstrative talents with highly moral course of life, they were the persons who received liberal education. Birth, perhaps was a high qualification, since the official had to be a man of honor, who would not stoop for mean things. The ministers were generally well-versed in sciences of logic, rhetoric and politics and made use of these qualities in finding solutions to the burning problems of the day.

2. Provincial Administration

The Kadamba kingdom was divided into districts called 'vishayas' such as, tasavishayas which were further divided into Desha, like- Antardesha, Gopakdesha etc. The district was also classified according to the number of villages in them. Phalsige-200, Konkan-900, Velugarne-70 and Haive-500.

The Kadamba mahamandaleshwara ruled their kingdom with the help of governors and other administrative officers. The governors always seem to be members of royal family, either a brother or an uncle of rhe king, but when close relations were not available, an ordinary minister was appointed to exercise executive and military functions. The governor was a head of the government in the province and also the commander in chief of the provincial army. These governors were incharge of the districts such as, BanavsiHalsi etc.

The district was headed by 'dandanayaka', who was both, civil and miliratry head of the district. The village or the grama was the smallest administrative village and the 'Gaunda' was the village chief.

Arthashastra, History of goa

The 'nagaras' or the cities had their own administration which was headed by Nagarpatas or 'Hanjumanpramukh' or the head of settlement of traders and artisans. The statecraft is techniqually described as saptangam or the seven elements. The inscription of Jaykeshi-1 refers to this with the concept of state in Kautilya's 'Arthashastra'.

Though, there are no records stating the king's share of revenue, but it might have been 1/6th of total revenue of land as laid down in arthashastra. The other revenue sources of the king are indicated as 'kara', 'upkara', 'shulka', 'dasha' and 'nidhi'. The raids of the customs also differed by the nature of the ships going from the overseas or from other ports of the west-coast or boats coming from the river.


Ram patil

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