Constitutional Monarchy and Republican Rule

Constitutional Monarchy and Republican rule

1. Role of Constitutional Monarchy(1820-1910)

As a result of the liberal French revolution of 1789, parliamentary control over monarchy came to be established in 1822. However, the parliament started functioning only in 1833, where the liberals gained ultimate victory over absolutes. During this period, Goa was to represent in Portuguese parliament by 6 representatives. Later, the election commission reduced this number to 3. The first three members elected were Dr. Bernardo Peres de Silva, Constancio Roque D' Costa and Dr. Antonio Jose de Loyola. 

Bernardo Constancio Roque Da Costa, Portuguese India
Bernardo Constancio Roque Da Costa

Right to elect representatives was confined to the old conquests. It was extended to new conquest in 1845 to those, who would know to read and write Portuguese. Parliamentary christians played an important role in the elections for representatives of Goa. The Hindus go the right to vote since 1845, yet they suffered disabilities imposed on them. 
The introduction of constitutional government divided the Goans into two groups-Repois(absolutist) and Naturois(liberals). The Repois were supported by the military and Naturois derived its strength from local christians. Majority of Hindus were liberals. Several differences between this groups resulted in bloodshed till they were finally settled in Goa.

2. Republican Rule(1910-1926) 

In 1908, the king of Portugal and his eldest son were assassinated by the revolutionaries and the younger son of the king was forced to leave the country. The long monarchical rule came to an end and establishment of republic was proclaimed on 5th October 1910. The first thing done by republic was to seperate church from state. Atleast, in theory, in new government of Portugal, they promised equality before law to all it's citizens. 

Luis de Menezes Braganza, Portuguese India
Luis de Menezes Braganza

When the news of upheal in Portuguese reached Goa, there was a wide scale of excitement among people and specially among Hindus. The people expressed their joy and happiness by coming out on streets in processions and by rising slogans- 'Viva Republic' in support of republic. The above changes in the government brought about several ideological and structural changes in Goan administration. 

The Hindus for the first time were placed on par with catholics, who were so far favoured subjects. In keeping with the new line of thinking and under new republican constitution of 1911, the principle of decentralisation of colonial administration was laid down, and in 1914 a law was passed, which promulgates a new civil administration in Goa. 

Accordingly, the government appointed a liberal man-Bacharal Francisco Manoel Couciero who was a sitting chief judge of Salcete. Under constitutonal monarchy, Goa was permitted to depute representatives to the Portuguese parliament. Initially it was 6, by 1895 it was reduced to one. The republican government chased it to 2 and allowed to sit in the senate.

The republican rule witnessed an all-round awakening in Goa. The constant impact of socio-political movement taking place in neighbouring British-India, influenced the Goans to take active interest in the elections of 'deputados', deputy to the Portuguese courts. During this time, around 1912, two political parties came to be fought in Goa. One was- Partido Indiano and other was Ultramar. Both were the names of the local newspaper. Partido Indiano belonged to newspaper- 'A Indiano Portuguesa' and Utramar belonged to newspaper- 'Ultramar'. Partido Indiano belonged to chardo Caholics under leadership of Jose Inaciao de Loyola, an outspoken journalist from Salcete. Ultramar was led by a D' costa family of Margao, namely- Bernardiona and Antonio Bruta da Costa, who were the two brothers. According to the election laws put forth by the republican government, women were not given right to vote, only males who were above 21 and who could read and write Portuguese, and paid certain taxes to the government were eligible to vote. Mapusa in the north-Goa and Margao in south-Goa were the two constituencies. 

In 1912, a crisis struck the republican government in the form of 'Rane rebellion'. The Rane's under zillu sawant revolted aginst an unjust 20% tax which was imposed on Sattari to compensate the expenditure made in suppressing the Dada Rane rebellion in 1895. The military commander of Valpoi was autocratic and unsympathetic who took away many privilages of Rane's. The Rane revolt was brutally suppressed by the Portuguese government. 
In 1915, the governor general established an autonomous organisation entitled- "provincial congress" which was to deal with subjects like- agriculture, industry, public transport, primary education and other matters relating to social meetings of people. One of the organisations were held between 19-18-1930, which was presided over by distinguished catholic leaders of Goa. All these meetings were made for solving various problems of Goans. However, the solutions discussed in these meetings could never be implemented, because it needed the approval of central government in Portugal, which most of the time did not bother. 
In 1917, a charter granting provincial autonomy to Portuguese-India called "Carta Organica da India Portuguesa" was promulgated. According to these, a governor genersl of the colony was appointed by the Portuguese on the reccommendation of ministry of colonies by government. His tenure was of 50 years. He was the chief executor of the overseas province with respect to all the branches of administration. He was assaulted by an advisory council called 'Coucillo de Governo'.

Forca da Costa retired in 1917, he was the governor general and was replaced by Jose da Prietos Peberino. According to the new order, elections were held for 10 representatives in 1918, but the governing council, which came to power  was suspended on the order of the government on the very day when it was to be inaugrated, when the local governor refused to set an order. 
People were disappointed and angry and under leadership of Luis de Menezes Braganca took out huge rally protesting against the suspension of the governing council of 1918. The last was replaced by 'organic law of 1920', providing for the creation of the various councils. The republican government in Portugal was highly unstable. There was tremendous political instability in Portugal and it's colonies. And hence, there was no development anywhere. This was the end on republic. 

Ram patil

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