Later Vedic Civilisation
1. Society
During the later vedic period, the Caste system developed further. Different occupation were taken over by different castes. Marriages among relations were prohibited. The Brahmana and Kshatriyas could marry women from the Vaishyas and Shudras. The vaishyas and Shudras cannot marry Brahmana and Kshatriya girls. Marriages were also allowed between the Brahmanas and Kshatriyas.
It was difficult to change one's caste, but it was not impossible. 'Vishwamitra' was a Kshatriya, but he is referred to as a 'Rishi'. However, no Vaishya or Shudra was allowed to become a Brahmana or Kshatriya or even to take up the profession of teaching or fighting.
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The Brahmanas were referred to as receivers of gift. The kshatriyas were required to fight. The Vaishyas had to pay tribute for the lands which they got from Kshatriya nobles. The Shudras were the servants of the Brahmanas, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. They could be killed or expelled at will.
System Of Education
When a student was taken to the teacher, the ceremony of Upanayana had to e performed. After the ceremony, the Brahmachari or pupil becomes 'Duja' or twice-born. It was a belief that, the child got his physical body from his father and spiritual body from his teacher.
The student had to live a very simple and hard life. He had to get up early in the morning, when the stars were still in the sky. He was then to take his bath and chant mantras from the Vedas. He had to collect fuel for the morning and evening sacrificial fire. He was also required to do the begging for the teacher.
No fixed period was prescribed at which the students started their education. Ordinarily, the period of study was 12 years, but sometimes it could be extended to 32 or more.
According to Shatapatha Brahmana, the wife was one half of the husband and she alone completed him. However, in actual practice, there was a decline in her actual status and dignity. Many of the religious ceremonies, which were formerly left to wife were now performed by the priest, and she was not allowed to attend political assemblies.
An ideal wife was considered to be the one who was submissive, did not talk at all, and took her meals after her husband. The birth of a daughter was considered to be a most unhappy occasion. She was considered to be a source of misery, and son was regarded as the saviour of the family. Women were taught to sing and dance and many kinds of musical instruments such as, drums, flutes etc.
The Economic Condition
Agriculture was the main occupation of the people and agricultural operations consisted of ploughing, sowing, reaping and thrashing. Cow-dung was used as a manure. Grains like, rice, barely, beans, seasum etc were grown during the various parts of the year. As before, there were ordinarily two harvests in a year.
There is a reference to a large number of occupations, such as washer-man, butchers, barbers, fisherman, ploughman, charioteers, makers of baskets, ropes, etc.people were experts in the making of fire altars. There is a reference to 'Shresthi' or a merchant. Women are referred to as basket-makers , dyers, embroiders etc.
The metals used by the people at that time were gold, bronze, iron, copper, lead, tin, etc. Gold was secures from various sources. Elephants were domesticated by the people.
In one of the earlier post, I have written about the 'Early vedic society', so, now, here you read about the 'early vedic society'. Here I have tried to cover maximum of the points in detail regarding the social conditions and economic conditions.
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